Daniel OG
per en 12 Maig 2010
1,152 Vistes


(Versió fresca de White Light)

I was addicted to his smile
So much temptation in his eyes
I love the way he touched me
His beauty made me weak
He gave me so much pleasures
He promised everything
I know that he was lying
But i can't resist

I'm searching in the darkness
For my love he disapeared
He left me without answers
I know he will not return
The night is full of roses
Black roses in my heart
I was to weak to follow him
Now everything falls apart

I was addicted to his smile
So much temptation in his eyes
I love the way he touched me
His beauty made me weak
He gave me so much pleasures
He promised everything
I know that he was lying
But i can't resist

I'm to weak to carry on
I leave the world
There's nothing wrong
I have to pay the price for love
Black roses in my heart
I choose the way into the night
I never saw the light
But now it's shining like the stars
I wanna close my eyes

Publicat a: Música
Sigues el primer a qui li agrada això.
fua, 5 min! anem a recordar vells temps x) ^^
12 Maig 2010
Daniel OG
temps de Queralt xD
12 Maig 2010
nu m'agrada jiji xD
12 Maig 2010